Public Speaking Penguins

Public Speaking Penguins

  • Mixed Experience
  • 9 - 10 Weeks
  • Years 5 - 7

Public Speaking Penguins is an mixed experience course for students in Years 5 - 7 who are keen to learn more about public speaking!

Student to Teacher Ratio 9:1
Course Objectives
  • Provide students with an opportunity to develop their speaking skills in a variety of settings.

  • Expose students to different elements of public speaking that focus on specific essential concepts.

  • Give students plenty of opportunities to practice their presentation skills and receive feedback in a fun environment.

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Bookings Close 15 August!

4 Spots Left!
Location Online Program



5:40PM - 6:40PM


24th July - 25th September


9 Weeks


$275 $248

Registrations Closed

0 Spots Left!
Location Bella Vista Campus



10:00AM - 11:00AM


27th July - 21st September


9 Weeks



Speaking Schools Dots Orange

Course Overview

Bookings are now open for Term #3!

Merged with our former Speaking Skills Owlets program.


Key Features

  • Runs over 1-hour and 1.5-hour weekly sessions, depending on venue
  • Tailored to mixed-experience Year 5 – 7 students
  • Covers a different focus each term that explores a different fundamental element of public speaking
  • Provides ample opportunities to explore how these theoretical elements work in practice to improve their speaking skills
  • Similar structure each week – students begin with an activity, run through a new piece of theory and consolidate with a practical speaking task
  • Ensures that every classroom environment is nurturing for each individual
  • Utilises small class sizes to ensure everyone can practice each session and receive plenty of individualised feedback


Term Focuses

Every term, we ensure that our Public Speaking Penguins program helps students understand the fundamentals of speechcraft and how they can best connect with audiences.

That said, the specific focus of the program changes every term in 2024 are as follows:

  • Term #1 looks into Mastering Speech Structure;
  • Term #2 places an emphasis on storytelling and Winning Anecdotes;
  • Term #3 takes a deep dive into Captivating Audiences and excellent speaking manner; and
  • Term #4 delves specifically into leadership-style presentations for Future Leaders.

While it’s recommended that students try each of these focuses, and the emphases change each year, there is no particular need to start with any of them, meaning students are welcome to join at any time!


More Information

Term #3 runs from mid-July to mid-September each year.

When audiences listen to a speech, most of their attention – around 93% – is directed not to the actual words, but rather to the speaker’s physical and verbal manner.  Given this, it is crucial to get this part of public speaking right to ensure that any audience is listening.

Over Term #3, Public Speaking Penguins will focus on building our students’ speaking manner and helping them captivate their audiences using more exciting and engaging presentations.

Having students hone their manner and develop their own personal style of presentations is a powerful tool for building confidence and helping them feel comfortable in all speaking environments, allowing them to thrive across a range of situations. This program gives students the opportunity to try out a range of manner techniques and to hone their own presentation style and personal brand.

Over the Captivating Audiences program, students will:

  • look at examples of great physical and verbal manner, and what makes them so engaging;
  • spend time reflecting on their own abilities and how they might be able to improve their own speaking manner; and
  • have various opportunities to practice and receive feedback on their speaking style.

Our Public Speaking Penguins program is a mixed-level class for students in Years 3 & 4 designed for students starting out in the world of public speaking as well as those with some speaking experience.

Public Speaking Penguins caters for:

  • Students who have no (or negligible) public speaking experience (all students have to start somewhere, and there is no better place to do so than here – students are welcome to join any time throughout the year);
  • Students who have already completed one or more terms of Penguins or Debating Parrots (the focus changes every term, so there’s no repetition of content for students);
  • Students who have given our Year 3 & 4 term programs (such as Public Speaking Wombats or Debating Wallabies) or holiday workshops (such as Speak Out Hummingbirds or Speaking Camp Kangaroos) a try, and want to continue developing their speaking skills!

We usually recommend that students continue with Public Speaking Penguins for as long as feels comfortable before looking at our Debating Parrots program. There is a different focus every term, so there’s always something new for students to learn!

Please get in touch if you’d like to discuss what’s best for your child!

Revision of Fundamental Concepts

The program starts with a succinct (but important) revision of essential concepts, including audience engagement and speech structure.

This helps set students up for the rest of the program and ensures that everyone starts on a similar level – this is especially important for students who don’t have previous exposure to public speaking!


Captivating Audiences

For the Speaking Manner focus for our Penguins program, students will generally cover:

  • Topic #1 – Introductions, icebreakers & speech frameworks
  • Topic #2 – Capturing the audience’s attention at the beginning of a speech
  • Topic #3 – Examining, reflecting on and practising their physical manner
  • Topic #4 – Considering, reflecting upon and applying verbal manner techniques

Please note that students will participate in speaking activities and practice giving speeches almost every week in addition to covering the above topics!


Practice Speeches and Interactive Activities

As the term progresses, students will have the opportunity to participate in a range of practice speeches and carefully chosen activities aimed at bolstering their presentation skills. These activities span a wide range of skills, encompassing body language, verbal expression, and more.

These abilities are fortified through consistent practice speeches and constructive critiques, guaranteeing that every student is given the chance to flourish and enhance their skills!


End of Term Presentation

Each term ends with a presentation, either to peers or parents (depending on the venue). This is an excellent opportunity for students to showcase what they’ve learned over the course of the term and continue their confidence-building journey.

Students generally spend the last couple of sessions preparing and practising their speeches for the presentation.

Coaches will also provide an update to parents on what was covered during the term, as well as what comes next for the students’ public speaking journeys.

As a mixed-experience program, our Public Speaking Penguins program is designed to be completed multiple times – with a different focus every term, there’s always something new for students to take away from the program!

Alternatively, if your child would like to try debating, our Debating Wallabies program teaches students all the essential skills they need to become great debaters!

However, if you’re looking for something during a school break, you may want to try one of our holiday workshops, such as Speak Out Hummingbirds and Public Speaking Polar Bears, which builds on the skills learned during the term.

Check out our Frequently Asked Questions, or get in touch using our contact form to learn more!

Course Reviews

My daughter absolutely loved every lesson. The program is very engaging and well structured. Ms Vivian made the class very enjoyable and was extremely tentative and gave extra time to help my daughter when class was over. Highly recommend and will re-enrol for next term.

Public Speaking Penguins
Diana, Parent Public Speaking Penguins

My daughter enjoyed the course very much and wished it would go on for another week! She is now very motivated to work on her speech for the school’s upcoming public speaking competition using what she learned! Well done to all coaches!

Public Speaking Honeyeaters
Chui, Parent Public Speaking Honeyeaters
  • Of the dozens of Penguins students surveyed in 2023...

  • 96%

    had fun!

  • 92%

    felt more confident!

  • 96%

    improved their speaking manner!

  • 88%

    wanted to come back next time!

Speaking Schools Dots Orange