Debating Hummingbirds

Debating Hummingbirds

  • Introductory Program
  • Days
  • Years 5 - 7

An introductory workshop for students without much experience in 'policy' debating who want to see what it is all about. It is a great way to ease students in and provides a solid foundation to build upon.

Student to Teacher Ratio 9:1
Course Objectives
  • Give students an introduction to the basic concepts of 'policy' debates, with a particular focus on cases, point structure and rebuttal.

  • Provide students the opportunity to participate in various debates on different topics.

  • Allow students to practice their skills and receive plenty of feedback to help them develop.

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Course Overview

Debating is often a competitive activity – both conceptually, as it involves two teams competing against one another, and more generally because of its popularity, as there are often limited spaces available for students to join their school team.

This course offers students a head-start on their peers by introducing them to the necessary skills and strategies involved with debating.  Placing a focus on the fundamentals of teamwork, case development, argument structure and rebuttal, students are given a leg up in any disagreement – against peers and parents alike – and are given the tools and experience necessary to flourish as a novice debater.

Students are also given the opportunity to practice their skills in a small, supportive class environment, helping them develop their own self-confidence as a speaker.

Our Debating Hummingbirds workshop focus alternates each holiday, with:

  • The January and July holidays focusing on speaker roles and rebuttal; and
  • The April and October holidays emphasising case structure and argumentation.

For the best exposure to the world of debating, it’s recommended that students give both streams a go!


More Information

Our Debating Hummingbirds workshop is an introductory-level program.

There are two alternating focuses, so it’s generally recommended that students give it two attempts before moving onto a more experienced program.

It is designed for two types of students:

Importantly, our Debating Hummingbirds program is perfect for shy and confident students alike!

If your child has some public speaking experience and you’re not sure whether the introductory Debating Hummingbirds or the more experienced Public Speaking Polar Bears, Debating Hawks or Practice Debates programs would be more appropriate, please don’t hesitate to get in touch and we can talk through your circumstances!

Check out our video on what to expect at our in-person holiday workshops below!

At the end of the Debating Hummingbirds program, students should:

  • understand the essential rules and speaking roles involved in debating;
  • have developed an understanding of how to brainstorm arguments and develop a case as a team for ‘policy’ debates;
  • know the best strategies to use when delivering arguments and giving rebuttal; and
  • have engaged in various activities and practice debates using topics derived from actual interschool debating competitions.

A Nurturing Class Environment

During the first sessions of the program, the coach will spend a substantial amount of time helping students feel comfortable within the class environment and ensuring that all students understand the rules of debating. These early sessions will also involve students presenting multiple times, to help them develop their practical debating skills early on.


Understanding Speaker Roles

As students progress, the focus will shift towards the three core speaker roles within a debate and how the interact with one another. By looking at debating through the lens of speaker roles, students are also exposed to essential concepts like case structure, argumentation and strong debating manner.


Applying Rebuttal

As students become more comfortable with debating generally, they will be exposed to more complex ideas around rebuttal, often considered one of the more complex ideas in debating. By giving students the necessary theory and lots of practical exercises, the aim is to help them develop their rebuttal skills at an accelerated pace that can be easily integrated into debates more generally.


Practice Debates

In addition to all the theory, students will have the opportunity to participate in multiple practice debates during the workshop.  Each debate will be on a different policy topic, and students will have the opportunity to speak in different roles each time.

Our classes vary in size every holiday depending on how many bookings we receive – however, the maximum size of our Debating Hummingbirds class is 9 students with one coach, and 16 students with two coaches.

If all spots are taken, it’s likely due to full capacity. Please reach out to us, and we’ll explore options like opening another class, accommodating your child in the current one, or adding you to a waitlist in case of any cancellations.

After the workshop, students will get to keep:

  • a digital personal feedback sheet prepared by their coach, which goes through what they’ve improved on, and what still needs some work;
  • a certificate recognising their achievement of completing Debating Hummingbirds;
  • a booklet that includes all the concepts they’ve covered over the course of the program, as well as any notes that they’ve taken;
  • a completed public speaking presentation and debating speech, which they deliver to their peers on the final day; and
  • hopefully a changed narrative in their mind, where public speaking and debating are things to enjoy rather than fear!

As an introductory program, our Debating Hummingbirds class is designed to be completed twice, as it alternates from holiday to holiday with a different focus.

Once completed twice, it’s recommended that students:

Check out our Frequently Asked Questions, or get in touch using our contact form to learn more!

Course Reviews

Your distinctive approach of infusing fun and energy into a rigorous and technically disciplined programme is excellent - and works. It is challenging to fully engage school aged children to be excited and energised over three full school holiday days...yet you did it so well.

Our son loved all three days and came away with lots of stories and much more confidence. What really matters for him is being in a safe environment to experiment and learn and to feel truly supported as he builds his capabilities. Thanks for investing so much attention to this. We will be back next holidays!

Debating Hummingbirds
Jacqueline, Parent Debating Hummingbirds

After missing out on selection to her school debating team, my daughter’s confidence had crashed. I had to bribe her to attend your course. On day 1, I was thrilled to see her come skipping out, elated. She enjoyed every day immensely, her confidence is restored and now she gravely tells me I’ve no hope of winning arguments with her because “I’m a debater, Mum”.

Debating Hummingbirds
Sophia, Parent Debating Hummingbirds
  • According to the dozens of Hummingbirds students surveyed in 2023...

  • 98%

    had fun!

  • 92%

    felt more confident!

  • 92%

    improved their speaking manner!

  • 100%

    felt more comfortable crafting arguments!

  • 94%

    could better structure their speeches!

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