
Joanna is a caring and detailed coach who is passionate about developing the confidence of her students. Joanna is adept at identifying key areas for development and guiding her students towards an engaging and persuasive presentation style.

In her role as Vice President of Youth Group in Mumbai, Joanna regularly exercised her compelling leadership skills. Her confident and captivating presentation style has also been recognised on a number of occasions, having won 1st place in the Elocution Competition at her Higher Secondary Education Institution three times. Additionally, Joanna has been awarded 1st place in the Zonal Round of the Mumbai University Storytelling Competition multiple times, and been recognised for her exquisite essay writing and debating skills. Joanna puts her competition experience to good use for her students by communicating her strong understanding of the expectations when we are presenting speeches.

Joanna believes that excellent public speaking is a fusion of preparation and practice, supported by a foundation of confidence and self-belief. She tailors her guidance to accentuate the natural strengths of each of her students, cultivating a genuine speaking style and enhancing the speaker's connection with their audience. She understands the vulnerability involved in public speaking, and her approach is one of encouragement and empowerment!