Senior Coach City: Sydney, Australia Course List:Annabelle is a natural extrovert who believes in the power of learning through doing. Her confidence has developed throughout her years in leadership positions, including the captaining of her undefeated high school debating team. Now a proud member of the Macquarie University Debating Society, Annabelle is constantly developing her debating skills. She was recently selected to represent Macquarie University at the Australian Intervarsity Debating Championships 2022, an outstanding achievement where she gained invaluable debating experience!
With the ultimate goal of becoming a psychiatrist, Annabelle is currently studying a Bachelor of Clinical Science at Macquarie University. This is a testament to her passion for education and enthusiasm for helping others.
Overall, Annabelle is an energetic, patient and supportive coach who prioritises fun within her classroom. Her ability to think quickly on her feet and problem-solve keeps her classes dynamic and adaptable for every type of student, shy and outgoing alike.