11 Tips for Giving an Incredible Speech

18 August 2022


Giving a speech can be daunting, especially if you’re not used to public speaking. But don’t worry! With a little practice and these 11 tips, you’ll be delivering speeches like a pro in no time.



1. Start with a strong opening


Find your hook

So how do you make sure you give a great speech? Start with a strong opening.



This is your chance to make a great first impression and grab your audience’s attention from the get-go. Start with something shocking, humorous, or simply fascinating to hook your listeners in and keep them engaged throughout your entire talk. With a strong opening, you’ll set the stage for a captivating and successful delivery.




2. Keep it simple

Don’t try to cram too much information into your speech. Stick to one central message and build your talk around that. If you try to cover too many topics, you’ll only end up confusing your audience and muddling your main point.



Anyone who has ever given a speech knows that public speaking can be nerve-wracking. One way to ease your anxiety is to keep your speech simple. A well-organised, straightforward speech is easier for the audience to follow, and it makes a more powerful impact than a meandering one.

One trick for keeping your content simple is ‘the rule of 3’s’. Information is generally more interesting in groups of 3, and it can be best to keep groups of adjectives, lists of items, and other parts of the speech in groups of 3. That will keep things clear, calm, and collected (see what we did there with a group of three adjectives?)


How can you simplify your talk?

Of course, delivering a simple speech is not always easy. It requires confident public speaking skills and the ability to distil complex ideas into their essence. If you find yourself struggling with public speaking, there are many resources available to help you hone your skills, including public speaking courses and communication training.

And if you’re looking to give your kids a head start, there are even public speaking skills courses explicitly designed for kids. With a little practice, you’ll be able to deliver simple speeches that are both effective and impactful.



3. Make it personal

Your speech will be more effective if you can connect with your audience on a personal level. Share stories and examples that they can relate to, and avoid using jargon or industry-specific language that they may not be familiar with.



The best presentations are relatable

Connecting on a personal level will make your speech more effective and engaging. There are a few ways to do this. First, focus on speaking, not just talking. Make sure you’re speaking clearly and confidently. Second, tell a story that your audience can relate to. This will help them feel connected to you and your message. Third, lead by example. If you’re passionate about what you’re saying, your audience will be passionate too. Finally, be natural. Don’t try to force anything, just let your personality shine through. If you keep these things in mind, you’ll be able to connect with your audience and enhance your communication skills.


The balance between facts and fiction

One of the most effective tips is to focus on stories rather than facts and figures. When you lead with a story, it helps to create a more natural connection with your audience and enhances your credibility as a speaker. It also helps to focus their attention on what you’re saying. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you should completely neglect facts and figures – they can still play an important role in your speech. However, including a personal story or two can make a big difference in how effectively you connect with your audience.



4. Be passionate

Few things are as inspiring as a passionate speaker.



When someone is truly passionate about their subject, it comes through in their voice and their words. They make you feel like you’re part of something bigger and that together, success is possible. Passionate speakers also have a way of making you feel like your career or life could be so much more than it is. They inspire you to take risks and to believe in yourself. And finally, passionate speakers have a sense of calm about them. They exude confidence because they know that they’re talking about something they’re truly passionate about. So if you want to give an incredible speech, be passionate. It makes all the difference.


Crowds love stories, and a person they can relate to

When you’re passionate about something, it shows–and your audience will be inspired by your energy and enthusiasm. Remember that a great speech is about joining with your audience, not lecturing them. Try to find common ground and build a sense of connection. Finally, don’t be afraid to share your own experiences of success and setbacks. Giving a speech is an opportunity to show others that you’re just like them–and that’s what will make them want to listen to you and join you on your journey. With these tips in mind, you’re well on your way to giving an incredible speech that will leave a lasting impression.



5. Use strong visuals

Use PowerPoint slides or other visuals to help illustrate your points and make them easier for your listeners to understand.



Avoid using too many text-heavy slides, as they can be difficult to read and follow.


Think about your body language

If props and visual aids are allowed, make sure that you stand in a position that doesn’t block the slides, but also calls attention to you as a speaker. It can be useful to move around and to interact directly with the visual aid the group is watching.



6. Practise, practise, practise

The more you rehearse, the more confident you’ll feel when it’s time to deliver your speech.



Practise in front of a mirror, or even better, video yourself so that you can see how your presentation comes across. Are you looking up for several seconds at a time? Are you showing signs of anxiety or nerves? How attention-grabbing is the beginning of the speech? When we prepare a presentation we are engineering a performance. Crowds will always be grateful to watch an active and well-rehearsed performance that has taken some feedback (even self-administered feedback) into account.

You can learn more about the benefits of practising properly in our other blogs!


7. Speak slowly and clearly

When we get nervous, we tend to speak quickly and our words start to run together.



Slow down and enunciate each word clearly to ensure that your audience can understand you. Pausing briefly between thoughts can also help to keep your listeners engaged.



8. Project your voice

If you’re speaking in a large room, make sure that your voice is loud enough to reach the back row.



Practise projecting your voice without sounding like you’re shouting, and avoid mumbling or using filler words like “um” or “like.” Even if you’re feeling nervous, the most important thing is to make sure your speech is audible. In fact, it is better to speak unnaturally loud while presenting, as it reduces the effort your listeners need to put in and makes them more able to pay attention to you.



9. Make eye contact

It can be tempting to stare at the floor or your notes when you’re nervous, but it’s important to make eye contact throughout your speech. This will help to build a connection with them and make you appear more confident. Search for a few points around the room that you plan to routinely come back to if you find looking at a specific person to be too confronting.


Look for a sign of listening

If you can manage it, search for people who resonate with your current point or show signs of active listening.



They can inspire you to elaborate naturally. You won’t lose the crowd if you keep tabs on how they are feeling and make adjustments as you do.



10. Use gestures

Gestures can help to emphasize certain points and add visual interest to your talk. Avoid fidgeting or using excessive hand movements, however, as this can be distracting.



Giving an incredible speech doesn’t just mean delivering great content – it’s also about using the right body language to engage your audience and drive home your point. One important aspect of this is gestures. When your hands are free and placed in front of your chest, they can move naturally to emphasize certain points or ideas. This makes it easier for you to connect and create a more dynamic and engaging presentation.

Additionally, using gestures can help to increase the overall energy level of your speech, making it more powerful and memorable. So next time you’re preparing for a big presentation, don’t forget the importance of using gestures – it could make all the difference in your delivery.



11. End with a strong conclusion

Your conclusion should be just as powerful as your opening.



Sum up your main points and leave your audience with something memorable to think about long after you have finished.

By following these tips, you’re sure to give an incredible speech that will wow your audience and leaves them wanting more. So go out there and show them what you’ve got!



Work with an expert – find courses and training for public speaking

Public speaking is a skill that is often overlooked but is crucial in many aspects of life.

From work presentations to career-defining interviews, being able to communicate effectively can make all the difference. While some people are naturally gifted public speakers, most of us could benefit from some training.

Luckily, public speaking courses are widely available, for both adults and kids. By taking a presentation class, you can develop the skills you need to speak with confidence, both generally in life and in competitions. And who knows, you might even enjoy it!



Online training and in-person courses you can join at Speaking Schools Australasia


If you’re interested in finding a public speaking course, Speaking Schools Australasia can help. We offer a range of courses for all levels, from beginners to experienced speakers. Whether you’re looking for online or in-person classes, we can find the right fit for you. And with our convenient course finder, it’s easy to find an online course or a course in your area. So why wait? Improve your public speaking today with Speaking Schools Australasia.