How public speaking can sharpen kids’ critical thinking skills

30 June 2022

By Leah Mercier


It’s no secret that public speaking can be a daunting task for even the most confident of adults. But did you know that regularly presenting speeches can actually help to sharpen a child’s critical thinking skills?


Why build critical thinking?

Critical thinking strategies are important to develop as they help us to analyse and make sense of information, think creatively, and solve problems. All of which are handy skills to have not just in the classroom but in life in general.

How public speaking can sharpen kids' critical thinking skills


So how does public speaking help build these essential critical thinking skills?

When preparing for a presentation, children need to think carefully about what they want to say and how they want to say it. They need to organise their thoughts in a logical way and use evidence and examples to tell a story.

Many kids find courses in public speaking skills can enhance their critical thinking abilities through training them to:

  • Solve problems
  • Understand new concepts
  • Analyse information
  • Develop effective communication
  • Build confidence

How public speaking can sharpen kids' critical thinking skills


Solving Problems

Learning to speak in front of a crowd helps kids to think critically about problems and to find creative solutions. In public speaking courses, students learn how to analyse a problem and develop a thoughtful and well-reasoned response. This process of solving problems can be applied to other areas of life, both inside and outside of the classroom.


Beginning to think independently

Students need to undergo a self-managed process of planning, writing, and practising their speech.

They also need to work on their individual speaking habits and search for solutions for the parts of the speech they find challenging.

For example, they may find one particular group of words hard to remember, and have to develop a memory trick that will allow them to maintain eye contact during that sentence.

How public speaking can sharpen kids' critical thinking skills


Understanding new concepts


Delivering speeches can be a great way for kids to learn new concepts.

When they are asked to explain a new idea to their classmates, they are forced to really understand it in order to be able to explain it clearly.

This process of critical thinking can help them to better understand the concept themselves.


Sharing with others

Additionally, presentations give kids the opportunity to share their own ideas with others.

This can be a great way for them to get feedback on their thinking and also to learn from their peers.

Ultimately, speech-giving can be a valuable tool for helping kids to understand new concepts.

How public speaking can sharpen kids' critical thinking skills


Analysing information

Creating presentations is a great way for kids to practice analysing information. When you’re breaking down a topic and creating an argument, you have to do a lot of deep thinking in order to figure out what all the different pieces are and how they fit together. This process of analysis can be very beneficial for kids, helping them to focus on and better understand the world around them.

In order to deliver an effective presentation, children need to be able to analyse information and understand different points of view. This process of analysis helps kids to develop their critical thinking skills by breaking down complex ideas into smaller, more manageable pieces.

How public speaking can sharpen kids' critical thinking skills


Sorting information

For example, if your child is researching a topic for a speech, they will need to search for ideas and sort through all of the information they find to determine what is relevant and what isn’t. This skill is not only useful for public speaking but also for other tasks such as writing essays and doing research.

How public speaking can sharpen kids' critical thinking skills


Learning in a stress-free environment

Public speaking courses, in particular, provide an opportunity for kids to practice their problem-solving skills in a safe and supportive environment, which can play a big role in reducing nerves!

How public speaking can sharpen kids' critical thinking skills


Effective communication (talking and listening)


Learning to Talk Clearly

Kids who are involved in public speaking learn how to structure their thoughts and talk clearly and confidently. Kids learn a new approach to creating information in a digestible and convincing manner by understanding the structure of a speech and the theory of how an audience responds to a presentation.

How public speaking can sharpen kids' critical thinking skills


Listening Effectively

Training courses can also teach kids the skills of listening and watching critically while being a part of a crowd. This is an important skill that can help them in school and when they are older and working. It is a skill that will help them to analyze and understand the information they are taking in, and make decisions based on what they have learned.

How public speaking can sharpen kids' critical thinking skills


Focus and Memory

In addition, public speaking can help to improve kids’ focus and memory. When preparing for a speech, kids need to remember a lot of information and be able to focus on the task at hand. This can help them in school when they need to remember information for tests and exams.

How public speaking can sharpen kids' critical thinking skills


Critical thinking with confidence

The performance of a speech can also help kids to build self-confidence and poise. Participating in public speaking courses gives kids the opportunity to practice presenting their ideas in front of an audience.


Confidence Snowballs!

As they become more comfortable with public speaking, they will also become more confident in their abilities. This newfound confidence can spill over into other areas of their lives, making them more successful in everything they do.

How public speaking can sharpen kids' critical thinking skills


The life-changing skill of critical thinking

Public speaking is a critical skill for any child’s development. It teaches them how to think on their feet, articulate their ideas clearly and concisely, and organize their thoughts. These skills are essential for life and will help your child in any field they choose to pursue. If you want to help your child develop these essential skills, enrol them in one of our public speaking programs today!


Why Learn with Speaking Schools Australasia?

  • Receive quality education in a fun and safe environment
  • Learn from experienced professionals with intimate class sizes
  • Build confidence – our courses are designed to foster a passion for public speaking through an enjoyable experience
  • Flexible learning options – attend courses once a week through the school term or for a few days in the school holidays
  • Courses suitable for students of all experience levels from Kindergarten to Year 9 and above.


How can I find out more?

If you would like to find out more about our training courses, please visit our website or contact us today. We would be happy to answer any of your questions and help you enrol in the course that is best suited for your child.

For more information, check out the following!


Get started today!

There’s no need to wait! Watch our ‘Speak to Inspire’ videos on YouTube – which we’ve specially created for beginners who want to improve their speaking skills through training online. Our videos cover a whole host of topics such as:

  • how to deal with nerves and anxiety to keep calm
  • how to give natural eye contact for several seconds
  • how to stand with a confident posture
  • how to control your tone of voice

Our expert coaches have provided their best tips and tricks to inspire young speakers and help them find success. Join the SSA community by subscribing to our YouTube channel so you can keep up to date with all our online content!


View our ‘Speak to Inspire’ playlist here: